Kreston Bulletin

Quality Bulletin Nov_2020

Chair’s Welcome
Welcome to the November 2020 edition of the Kreston International Quality Bulletin.
A fundamental element of membership of an international accounting network is the ability to ensure that clients receive great advice wherever they are doing business. Kreston has always prided itself on the close connection between member firms and individual partners that delivers a high-quality personal service to clients.
I am delighted that Kreston has now successfully launched an online platform that enables rapid access to the most appropriate support.
The new system does not replace the personal touch, but ensures that introductions can be monitored and tracked. The automated system enables the partner to quickly check on current status and follow up as needed. If you are a Kreston member, I would encourage you to visit the Kreston Community, which in addition to the referral system contains lots of other information about Kreston International.
If you are a client or contact of a Kreston firm and have a professional service need overseas, do ask your Kreston contact to make an introduction.
Auditing related parties
  1. Planning
  2. Risk assessment
  3. Fieldwork
  4. Completion
  5. Common pitfalls
  6. Conclusion
Forum of Firms Update Continued  Download